As some of you know, I am very fascinated by astrology and have been professionally involved with the subject for about a decade now. When starting this blog, last October 2009, I was about ready to embark on a Saturn transit that would shift my life drastically and permanently. Part of this blog has helped to document this astrological journey for me.
Starting November 2009, transiting Saturn in Libra would be at the same degree as my natal Venus, Mercury and Mars (0 degrees and 5 degrees) until October 2010. Through the coarse of this last year, Saturn retrograded causing me to have this transit occur 5 different times; 3 with Venus at 0 degrees and 2 with my Mars/Mercury conjunction at 5 degrees. Once in November with Venus, then January with Mars/Mercury, late March with Venus, late July with Venus and September with Mars/Mercury. During those months and weeks in particular, I had major shifts occur. Some predicted and planned and others spontaneous and out of the blue.
Having an astrology group meeting in my home on August 1 has helped me to reflect and analyze this transit on a deeper level.
In November 2009, I started this blog and moved locations (although it was only 3 minutes away). In January, I had shifts within my family dynamics and relationships. Within the first week of April, my daughter was born. Late July, I began drastically changing my diet and exercise routine, in order to lose 40 pounds. And come September, my 2.5 year old will start pre-school for the first time, giving me more time to work on creative endeavors.
A 6th house transit for me, my every day routines have been jolted several times over, into multiple new patterns. Now, it encompasses a 4 month old and a toddler to raise. The rise in responsibility that has come with this is very fitting when dealing with Saturn. Saturn tends to be the teacher. And although we need to learn lessons in order to grow and evolve as spiritual beings, it still brings challenge and strife that can feel restricting. What I've learned is to use it's limiting and narrowing perspective to focus on a few projects, but face them head on. Face my fears and move forward through them.
I did a lot of that when birthing my second child with no medical intervention. The physical pain and spiritual re-birth that comes along with natural child birth leaves you strengthened, yet humbled. A miraculous process that has touched my soul in deep ways. Bringing life into the world softens your lens and helps you to feel life's moments as you live it.
Documenting my Winter 2009 and Spring 2010 garden as it grew to its potential, at the same time my daughter grew inside me was beautiful. My sweet peas were very much inspired by her presence. And they ended up growing 12 ft. tall! Interesting. She is very tall herself. Starting out at 21 inches, she has now jumped to 25 inches and is in the 90th percentile.
I was truly able to look back at my growth and changes recently during the Cardinal Cross that occurred the first week of August 2010.
This is an extremely powerful transit because we have never seen this configuration in the sky before and with so many planets involved. A Cardinal Cross happens when there are planets in a square pattern, all in the same classification of cardinal (Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn). This important transit had some big planets apart of it. Jupiter, Uranus, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Pluto and the Moon. When planets are in a cross, they are square each other, as well as opposed to each other, and this creates enormous tension in order to create necessary change. All the planets were within five small degrees of each other, considered a very tight aspect, and that's enormously significant. On August 6 and 7 we had ten squares and seven oppositions, all at once! All the planets involved were in cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn), known to be very energetic and to create a need for urgent action.
For me personally, I felt not only the end of one phase, but the beginning of another. I have birthed both my children and I am now ready to start finding a more balanced approach to my daily life; family, career, creative endeavors, social engagements, etc. It allowed me to take a magnifying glass to all the work I've done in the last decade (acting, dancing, astrology/tarot readings, teaching, gardening, parenting) and really contemplate how I can incorporate all of these skills into a rewarding career. It is an exciting time, where I have the energetic boost to step up to the next level with my passions.
In California, we saw great tension, yet enormous need for change around a powerful civil rights issue at hand, Gay Marriage (Proposition 8). Looking back at this month, some very significant dates for Prop. 8 were August 4, 12 and 16. All dates very close to this Cardinal Cross.
Change is constant and inevitable. Whether we fear it or embrace it, life continues to hand us different opportunities daily and some may be more challenging than others. In order to truly allow ourselves to grow into our greatest potential, I believe we must have a vision, but then let go, trust and take the great ride of life. It may not always be easy, but it will make us stronger, better people.
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