37 weeks pregnant! And my garden looks quite pregnant itself. It is a lush flower jungle, entwined with chard, beets, carrots, onions, kale and cilantro.

It was time to pull the gorgeous pink tulips. After more rain and sunshine, the petals fell and they were done for this year. I do plan on storing them until next year however. In order to do this properly, I need to investigate further. But I do know they must be in a dry, dark space (brown paper bag stapled, I think will do) and refrigerated.

My beets are amazing right now! Getting so big. As you may recall, I have already done a large harvest and steamed them for dinner, greens and bulb. Time to harvest another large bunch!

My jungle of sweet peas make me so happy. My husband thinks I should have thinned them more, which he may have a point, but I still LOVE them! They are almost 7 feet tall and smell intoxicating!!

We planted many more carrot seeds in our patch. As you can see, they have come up, but their is plenty of room to fill in more. I am actually happy we planted the seeds at scattered times, because this will allow us to have carrots from this patch for a longer period of time.

Right Bed, furthest from the street:

I love these bubble classic poppies! They are so dainty and their movement in the breeze reflects this. Perfect for Spring!

My kale has shot up and is really filling out and getting stockier.

Red tulips are beautiful.

Cilantro is not only lush and thick now, it is getting tall!

Harvest time for onions and chard! They are out of control! Very happy plants!

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