After probably the most insane month of my year, I am finally updating all of you on the progress of my winter garden! About time! Enjoy the photos....
I began to tie the sweet peas up on the trellis about two weeks ago because they are getting lengthy enough. They are really starting to get thick and hearty stocks, which means they are happy!
The chard and green onions are also getting thick and well established into the soil. Soon, I will begin picking my chard and eating it, large leaves on the exterior first.
My beets and two broccoli plants flanking my beet patch have been quite interesting and I don't feel I documented the issue well with photos, so next time I'll take more. If you look at the picture below, the right side of my beet patch is flourishing, whereas the left side is not (didn't really get pictures of the left side). This was the same for the broccoli on the right versus the left. "What happened?", I've been asking myself for weeks as I watch the progression of one side and not the other. I think their must be a mineral deficiency. So, Wednesday, November 18th, I decided to take a gallon of concentrated worm compost juice and feed that area, along with the rest of the garden. I focused though on that area in particular with the concentrate, whereas the rest of the garden got a watered down half gallon. I did notice that by Saturday, November 21st (when taking these photos), the left side had improved and had grown a few inches. Next steps: Lay down some black worm compost soil in that area as well. And take photos of the left side! Sorry!
Below is a picture of my four broccoli plants on the end of the left bed. If you compare these Broccoli plants to the one 2 pictures up (on the right side of the beet patch), you can even see a difference in size. These Broccoli plants below are flourishing!
My carrot patch is doing great! I harvested a carrot early, just to see the progression and it was too small still, but so sweet already!
I think it is time to harvest my sweet basil. If you notice in these pictures, the stems have become almost "woody" looking and they are flowering on every top. Now that the colder weather has set in, the plants are losing quite a bit of leaves. Basil really flourishes in the summer time and I think it may be time to say goodbye.
However, my Thai basil plant is still doing great. I will keep you updated on its progression and take pictures of it next time I am at the garden.
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